
My first picture in this series goes back as far as 1983. The idea grew slowly, like an escape from the studio routine and from too many monotonous commissions at the time, a sort of therapy to exercise and keeping my illusions between two jobs.
This play with reality and illusory could take ages to complete. It was difficult to ever feel "ready" with the picture. More time, more play, could only add new dimensions. Some of these pictures are just within the range of the possible when one thinks that no retouching  was ever used. A test into the limits of patience...
I only managed to complete about twenty pictures under this time.
The basic composition is extremely simple and classical. I was working with large-format Polaroids and instant copies on which I could sketch my "intentions". All the effects are made on the set before the actual shooting, so were my rules, and they still are. I used a large-format Sinar and the film used was 8x10 inch Agfa 50S which we processed ourselves.

I chose to call the series "Cubisteries" as they mostly remind Cubism by appearance.
Some of these pictures were used in Japan for the Dai-Chi Insurance calendar, under the title "Cubisteries" where it won several awards, including one from Kodak.
"Electa Editrice" in Italy made a portfolio in 1000ex, in connection with an exhibition at the Galleri “ Il Milione” in Milano 1986, under the same title.
Dye-transfers in the format 40x50 in limited editions were made in Paris by the Ateliers Janjac
while around the same time, David Hockney was experimenting in his own manner with Cubism...

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