1949- 24th september, birth of FG in Balleroy, Normandie, France
1960- 66 Studies at St Joseph boarding school in Bayeux and later in Caen
Takes drawing courses while at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Caen
1966-68 Moves to England to study Language and Commerce in Bournemouth. Takes painting courses at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art. Meets Francoise Prouzeau who introduces him to photography
1968-71 Three year course in photography at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art. Francoise is taking a course in design at the same college. Studio release at Vogue studios in London where he assists Clive Arrowsmith. FG is granted the “Best Student award” 1972.
1971 Travels to Stockholm Sweden. Meets Lars Hall who gives FG his first job and Jan Fridlund who helps him getting employed as free-lance at Institutet för färgfoto in Malmö
1972 Birth of Marie Melinda Gillet in Bournemouth. Francoise and Marie move to Malmö, Sweden
1971-74 Works as photographer at Institutet för färgfoto. Starts using the 8X10 Sinar camera and finding his own clients, is commissioned by Arbmans on various packaging for Kosta-Boda
1974 Meets Alf Mork who gets him employed by Arbmans advertising agency, which provide him with own studio in Stockholm. Works mostly on Arbmans accounts, Flora, Kosta-Boda, SEB, Renault, Barnängen but also freelances with Hall&Cederquist and other agencies. Meets Emilio Moliner décor-painter from Sv Television. They will work together many years
1976 Francoise leaves for France with daughter Marie. Meets Kina Lannmark who starts assisting him. Gets his first publication in Zoom Magazine. First international job for Montecillo Spain och Dramsrud & Werner in Oslo
1979 Francois and Kina Lannmark move to Stora Brevik in Värmdö where they open their own studio. Meets Peder Tamm at Plus Licens, Stockholm and Goro Kuramochi from GIP Tokyo who both start selling his work internationally
1980 Shows his latest work to Zoom Magazine who publish it in two numbers in a raw.
1981 Publicness publishes “L´Album de Francois Gillet”. Meets Georges Poppe and Jacques Bigaud from Ateliers Janjac who have just started a dye-transfer lab in Paris. Works on “ Le Petit Théatre” project
1984 Meets Susan Dalton who becomes his agent in Paris. Starts to work with Bonne Maman, DD. He will work on the Bonne Maman account until 2003
1986 FG is now represented in England by Annabelle Dalton, sister to Susan. Starts working for CDP, BBH, Saatchi & Saatchi in London, and is also represented by Patricia Schmeidler in Milano
1987 Contacted by David Frost, Sydney, FG starts to work on a campaign for the Brown Brothers Wineries in Milawa. They will work on it for the next 10 years
1988- Moves to Villa Dagaborg in Farsta Strand near Stockholm where he works intensively on various accounts for London, Paris, Tokyo, New-York, Sydney, Singapore and also Sweden for Orrefors, Frövi Papperbruk, SockerBolaget. He is now processing his dia-films at Förstoringsatelje
1990 FG is awarded the “Platina Egg” ABCD Award in Sweden
1995 Death of Chantal, his only sister.
1996 First trip to Australia on Baltronics-Broncolor invitation where he presents his work to photographers in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and later Auckland New Zealand
1998 2nd trip to Australia on Baltronics-Broncolor invitation
2000 Moves to Gåsö, an island of the Stockholm Archipelago, to a former summer house from Kina´s family where they build a home and a small studio. Death of his father. FG Starts working essentially on his own projects.
2004 Death of his mother. Produces “Suite Automnale” which he will show for the first time in Stockholm at the annual Foto-Mässa 2006. The prints are made by Molanders in Stockholm
2006-07 3d trip to Australia, FG and Kina rent a mobile-home and explore the country photographing. This work will be gathered on his return to Sweden under the title “Beyond Mystery-Bay”
2007-08 4th trip to Australia. Completes “Le Pays du Rêve” which will be shown partially at the annual Foto-Mässa in Stockholm with prints made by Förstoringsatelje
2011 Spends together with Kina their first winter in Morocco
2012 2nd winter in Morocco where they find an old traditional house which they restore. Works on “Exultate Jubilate”
2013 Starts working on “Petits Bouquets sur fonds en grisaille”. Winter in Morocco
2014 Moves to Småland in Sweden, spending winters in Morocco. He has now arranged for a studio in both places
Major exhibitions
Stockholm J&L Galleri 2009 “Métamorphoses”
Photo-Fair Stockholm 2008 "Le Pays du Rêve"
Photo-Fair Stockholm 2007 ”Cubisteries”
Photo-Fair Stockholm 2006 ”Suite Automnale”
Bièvres Musée Francais de la Photographie 1996 “Femmes Fleurs Fruits et Légumes”
Malmö Exponera Warehouse Photo gallery, 1996
Stockholm World Trade Centre 1993 “Femmes fleurs fruits et légumes”
Sweden Frövifors pappersbruk, 1993 “Femmes fleurs fruits et légumes”
Paris Salon de la Photo, 1993 “Nudes”
Milano Gallery Il Milione, 1986
Tokyo Photopia, 1983, with Robert Demachy
Group Exhibitions Bournemouth - 2009 “From here to there” Fifty years of photography at the Arts University College at Bournemouth
Arles - 2006 Musée de l´Arles “La photographie publicitaire en France”
Paris - 2006 Les Arts Décoratifs “La photographie publicitaire en France” - De Man Ray à Jean Paul Goude
Stockholm – 1984 Camera Obscura “Lust”
Pour Gourmet- IM.Germany, 1991
Cubisteries, Electa Portfolios, 1986
Le Petit Théatre- Publicness, 1982
Le Petit Théatre- Japanese edition, 1982
L´Album de François Gillet - Publicness , 1981
Main Publications
Why Photographs Work- George Barr, 2011
From here to there- The Arts University at Bournemouth
La Photographie Publicitaire en France- Les Arts Décoratifs,2006
Née en 1842.-Une histoire de la publicité Mundacom-Publicis Group 2006
200 Best AD Photographers- Lurzer´s Archive 2004/05
Photography in Advertising Peer Eriksson 2004
Graphis- Nudes 1992
Step-by-Step 1991
Profession Photographe-1988
Photo Japon-1983
Creative Review -1982
Zoom- French edition 1975-1979-1981-1983
Top Job Award 1998 Photokina, Köln
Folio Award Australia 1993
Excellence in Magazine Advertising London International Advertising Award 1994
Lions, Cannes 1993
Gold Lion (Silk-Cut) Campain Poster/Press Advertising Award England-1993
Platina Ägget 1990 ABCD Award, Sweden
D&ad England 1990
Australian Writers & Directors 1990-1989-1988
Eurobest Awards 1989
D&ad 1984
Campain Poster Advertising Award England 1983
Clio Award 1983
Kodak Fotokalendar Preis, Germany 1988
The Art Directors Club Merit Award 1988
The Art Directors Club 59th Annual Exhibition Merit Award 1980
Clio Award 1979
Guld Ägget 1979
ABCD Award, Sweden
Sydney Broncolor/Baltronics 1995, 1998
Melbourne Broncolor/Baltronics 1995, 1998
Brisbane Broncolor/Baltronics 1995, 1998
Auckland Broncolor/Baltronics, New-Zeeland 1995
Köln Sinar/Broncolor, Germany International BFF Congress 1993
Oxelösund Sweden – Molanders 1995
Palma de Mallorca Spain 1988 -3rd Convención Gama Professional
Svenska Fotografiska Förbund Stockholm Sweden 1986
Geilo, Norway 1984
Reykjavik, Island 1984
Gant, Belgium 1983
Helsinki, Finland 1981 Idea 81 Congress
All works © Francois Gillet 2015.
Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Francois Gillet. Powered by ProSite.
Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Francois Gillet. Powered by ProSite.